Men's two man league
Two Man League Details
Men's two man league is a head to head handicapped match play format. Each two man team plays head to head against another two man team each week (A vs A and B vs B). The player with ther lower handicap of the pair is the "A" player and the player with the higher handicap of the pair is the "B" player. Points are awarded based on match play scoring as well overall score and combined overall score. Scores are calcualted throughout the season and the top 8 teams win a $$ percentage of the total "pot". Matches are handicapped which means lower handicap players must give strokes to the higher handicapped player on certain holes. Matches are typically played starting at 3:30 every Thrusday. However, teams are allowed to coordinate different times/days with the opposing time if conflicts arise. Matches need to be completed before Tuesday of each week though. The cost is $40 per player, and league begins on Thursday, May 6th. A MGA handicap is recommended, but not required ($30).
Golf League Network
Did you know that there is online system available for checking your pairings, standings, and stats? Yep! Use the link below to login in.
If you don't know your login information, please give The Club a call. 589-1009